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The difference in Gemstones: Natural, Synthetic and Imitation.

Did you know that Natural stones are just that - Natural which comes from the purest source NATURE. They are produced over centuries with the help from Mother Nature. These stones are found deep within the earth, along the riverbeds, rocky cliffs and many other places. The good news about natural stones are once they are cut or polished and sold no enhancements or alterations have taken place by the time they are sold.

Did you know that Synthetic stones have all of the physical, visual and chemical properties of their natural counterpart, but are created in laboratories. The same elements and conditions from earth are used but in a rather shorter time frame due to modern technology. Even though the stone may look similar to a natural stone from the polish to the cut there is a difference. Synthetic stones appear flawless because they were created that way, but natural stones will often have minor flaws because they are naturally produced.  

Did you know Imitation stones also known as simulated. Imitations are made up of glass, plastic, ceramic and other materials to make it appear natural.  An example of a well known imitation is cubic zirconia that has been used alongside of a diamond for decades. They are flawless but a diamond will always display a minor flaw.

The designer would like you to know that each stone has been hand picked and selected for each piece. Pride in each bracelet has been thought through to the end.